New working paper: “Review of Contingent Valuation of Environmental Goods: A Comprehensive Critique. Edited by Daniel McFadden and Kenneth Train (2017): An Update”
Review of Contingent Valuation of Environmental Goods: A Comprehensive Critique. Edited by Daniel McFadden and Kenneth
Finally, we’re running government like a business (a bad one)
When there is an increase in demand a business firm will increase output. In the case
The road to acceptance without revision: Another old journal editor/referee paper story
At one point in my life I thought it would be cool to publish a paper
A twenty year old referee report
I didn't revise the paper for this journal but here is what I wanted to say: Reviewer
New working paper: Sea-level Rise, Groundwater Quality, and the Impacts on Coastal Homeowners
Sea-level Rise, Groundwater Quality, and the Impacts on Coastal Homeowners Dennis Guignet, O. Ashton Morgan, Craig Landry, John C. Whitehead, William
New working paper: Total Economic Valuation of Great Lakes Recreational Fisheries: Attribute Non-attendance, Hypothetical Bias and Insensitivity to Scope
Total Economic Valuation of Great Lakes Recreational Fisheries: Attribute Non-attendance, Hypothetical Bias and Insensitivity to Scope John
New working paper: The Aggregate Economic Value of Great Lakes Recreational Fishing Trips
The Aggregate Economic Value of Great Lakes Recreational Fishing Trips John C. Whitehead, Louis Cornicelli, Lisa Bragg
New working paper: “They doth protest too much, methinks: Reply to ‘Reply to Whitehead’”
They doth protest too much, methinks: Reply to “Reply to Whitehead” John C. Whitehead No 24-04, Working Papers
IRERE special issue honoring Tom Tietenberg
From the inbox: The International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics has published the following new issue.